Monday, April 30, 2012


Jared is adorable :) 
Background story of this song....
Before we even really started dating, he played this for me. We were at the beach and it was the first time I'd ever heard him sing/play the guitar. I was like, aw this song is cute. 
Then after we started dating he tells me that it was written about me. Before I dated Jared, I was kind of dating this other guy, which is what inspired the song.

p.s. Providence is Jared's stage name

Monday, April 23, 2012

 .... Something special happened in January. I met this guy right here. His name is Jared.

We both go to BYU Hawaii. We're both LDS. We're both in love :) 
He has been such a blessing in my life. I never realized what it was like to date a true gentleman before.
He's so special to me. Here are a few reasons why.
  • He's not judgmental at all
  • He loves me for ME. I don't have to try to be a certain person around him.
  • He comes up with random/spontaneous things for us to do. Ex: water gun fights at night, picnics by the temple, night walks on the beach, etc..
  • He's bought me roses and chocolate for no reason :) 
  • He's the most respectful person I know
  • He opens the car door for me :) 
  • I'll be sitting there on my laptop, upset about something, and I look up and Jared is cleaning my roommates dishes. Just because. Then he warms up the food I was eating (because it had gotten cold) and brings it over to me. He's such a sweetheart
  • Even if he's busy, he'll sit there with me and listen to me vent/cry/complain/ or just talk.
  • He becomes genuinely interested in stuff that I'm interested in.
  • He's so talented. Guitar, singing, cooking, snowboarding, writing songs, dancing, etc...
  • He eats the the sunflower seed AND shell. Just like me :)
  • Whenever we make cookies, he always saves me a little cookie dough, puts it in a bag, and puts it in the fridge for me to eat later because he knows I love it. 
  • He has so much drive and ambition 
  • He actually has an opinion on things. In a good way :) 
  • He's a hopeless romantic. Just like me :) 
  • He's outgoing. Unlike me. He's everything I'm not :) 
  • He's open to trying new things :) 
  • We can talk for hours about anything from deep religious topics, down to "team Peeta" vs. "team Gale" 
  • He makes me feel so comfortable and safe when I'm with him. 
  • He understands me :) Which I know can be very hard at times.
  • He watches chick flicks with me :) 
  • He makes me want to be a better person. 
We both have a somewhat complicated past. I've been waiting for a missionary. And he had a girlfriend when I met him. But there's a reason we met. We are so beyond happy together. He's helped me grow so much and learn things about life that I never would have noticed it wasn't for him. I hope one day he'll come to realize how perfect he is when seen through my eyes :)

Now here's just a little introduction of who we are together.. :)

