Monday, April 23, 2012

 .... Something special happened in January. I met this guy right here. His name is Jared.

We both go to BYU Hawaii. We're both LDS. We're both in love :) 
He has been such a blessing in my life. I never realized what it was like to date a true gentleman before.
He's so special to me. Here are a few reasons why.
  • He's not judgmental at all
  • He loves me for ME. I don't have to try to be a certain person around him.
  • He comes up with random/spontaneous things for us to do. Ex: water gun fights at night, picnics by the temple, night walks on the beach, etc..
  • He's bought me roses and chocolate for no reason :) 
  • He's the most respectful person I know
  • He opens the car door for me :) 
  • I'll be sitting there on my laptop, upset about something, and I look up and Jared is cleaning my roommates dishes. Just because. Then he warms up the food I was eating (because it had gotten cold) and brings it over to me. He's such a sweetheart
  • Even if he's busy, he'll sit there with me and listen to me vent/cry/complain/ or just talk.
  • He becomes genuinely interested in stuff that I'm interested in.
  • He's so talented. Guitar, singing, cooking, snowboarding, writing songs, dancing, etc...
  • He eats the the sunflower seed AND shell. Just like me :)
  • Whenever we make cookies, he always saves me a little cookie dough, puts it in a bag, and puts it in the fridge for me to eat later because he knows I love it. 
  • He has so much drive and ambition 
  • He actually has an opinion on things. In a good way :) 
  • He's a hopeless romantic. Just like me :) 
  • He's outgoing. Unlike me. He's everything I'm not :) 
  • He's open to trying new things :) 
  • We can talk for hours about anything from deep religious topics, down to "team Peeta" vs. "team Gale" 
  • He makes me feel so comfortable and safe when I'm with him. 
  • He understands me :) Which I know can be very hard at times.
  • He watches chick flicks with me :) 
  • He makes me want to be a better person. 
We both have a somewhat complicated past. I've been waiting for a missionary. And he had a girlfriend when I met him. But there's a reason we met. We are so beyond happy together. He's helped me grow so much and learn things about life that I never would have noticed it wasn't for him. I hope one day he'll come to realize how perfect he is when seen through my eyes :)

Now here's just a little introduction of who we are together.. :)




  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOGS i honestly do like i think they are so completly honest on how the life of a missionary girlfriend is and just so you know not all of us are upset about jared. My countdown for my missionary starts tommorw but reading your blogs have really helped c:

  2. Replies
    1. I miss YOU!!! I miss working with you! Buying cupcakes and day old smart cookies and making posters for Trevis and opening every Tuesday and Thursday and putting together a million snack packs and our undying love for Justin Bieber and everything! Haha
