This song. This song just perfectly describes my life as of the last 6 months. I'm just in love with it.
In other news,
things are getting pretty serious between Jared and I :) I know he's going on a mission, and I know it's my job to help him prepare (believe I know, I've been there before) but that doesn't mean I can't keep falling for him more and more everyday, right?
We see each other every day. Even if it's just for a minute or two. We're so close. He knows when it's that time of month, and I know when his anxiety is acting up. He knows exactly what food I'm craving when I'm sad, and I know what happens when he doesn't get enough sleep.
In all honesty, it was hard completely giving myself over to fall for Jared. Even after we'd been dating for months, my first missionary (Preston) would still pop up in the back of my mind. I was getting really frustrated thinking to myself, "I love Jared. Jared is better for me. Why am I still randomly thinking about Preston?" It was really bugging me. But I eventually came to realize that time heals everything. No matter what happens in life, time will heal it. Maybe it'll take a week, maybe it'll take a year. Ultimately, it will be ok in the end :)
It's been so nice to just have Jared in my life now :) It just feels so... right. He really has become my best friend :) For anyone who has that someone who makes them happier than anything in the world, don't let that someone go :) And for someone who is still looking, don't settle. Don't give up. Trust in Heavenly Fathers timing :) And for those of you who are with someone, but think there might be something better out there, or something more that you deserve, don't be afraid to start looking. If the person you're with isn't everything you've always wanted, don't feel bad to want more. You'll find it eventually :)
Now here's just a few photos of recently :)
At church together :)
Beautiful Utah sunset :)
He lets me take tons of pictures of him :) He's definitely a keeper :)
We're just excited for Halloween :)
"Desiree Burnham! I mean... Moore" Like I said, things have become pretty serious :)
Sometimes I just go to Kohls (where he works) and try on clothes until he's not busy anymore :)
Sometimes we just "hang out" and sometimes we go on fancy dates. Other times, like today for example, we were just spontaneous and did whatever we felt like :)
First we went to walmart. Jared said, "We could just walk around walmart for a while. It's not like we have anything else to do." I could not spend my whole Saturday night walking around WalMart. It's just not my favorite place. So we decided to head to the mall :) The mall is always fun. Right? We eventually got there. Yeah, it wasn't all that fun. The best part was eating Subway. Yum. Then we saw Cinemark as we were leaving the mall, and decided to go in and get some kettle corn :) Let me tell ya, that stuff is A-MA-ZING. We bought the tub. Haha, sometimes we eat like pigs. After cinemark, we decided to go into Kohls and see if his best friend, Brady, was working. Turns out he was working. After saying hi, we went out in the parking lot, whipped out Jared's longboard, and rode around :)
One thing I love about Jared, is that we can do the dumbest things but still have so much fun together. We can be spontaneous. I love that so much about him. I don't think I could ever be with someone who wasn't spontaneous and willing to do crazy stuff at random times.
We ended the night at my house watching a movie on my laptop with our movie theatre popcorn :)
My advice: Be with someone who will do random stuff with you :) It's important to know how to have fun with basically nothing at all. Put yourselves in a situation where you basically have nothing to do. And see what you come up with :)
Can Jared give some relationship advice? What girls should and shouldn't do?
What does Jared think about the whole "Preston situation"
Can you give some advice to a fellow MG waiter and dater?
Jared and I sat down last night and tried to answer these questions :) So if you want to know the answers to any of them, they are in this video. If anyone has any other questions, please leave them in the comments below :)
p.s. If you aren't interested in those questions, but want to see Jared sing songs from Mulan, proceed to watch the video :)
Yesterday was our 6 month anniversary :) I can't believe how fast time seems to slip away!
Just over a year ago I arrived in China and had no idea I'd be where I am right now.
These past (almost) 2 years of life have been such a learning experience for me, and I can't wait to see what happens during the next two years.
I know 6 months isn't a very long time, but at the same time, it kind of is :) I've experienced so much in the past 6 months with this boy. And now I don't know what I'd do without him. We can be insanely crazy and hyper together. But we can also be calm and serious and talk about many of life's deep questions.
I just love him :) These are some random clips from that past 6 months together :)
Yes. I put it in all caps because that's how excited I am. I'm trying to contain myself right now. Just watch the video and you'll see why :)
I can't even describe how excited I am.
For a lot of selfish reasons actually. Italy would have been my dream mission. I've always wanted to marry someone who went to Italy on his mission. Italian is my favorite language. I want to visit Italy more than anywhere else. ALSO, I know the mail system in Europe isn't too bad so that's just a bonus ;)
He's so excited, and I'm extremely proud of him. I think it's funny because I'm the one in the relationship who loves old cultures, buildings, cities, anything with history really. He's the one who is all into modern anything. And now he's going to one of the oldest cities :) I love it!!
His face is perfect :) He read it in his head before he read it out loud. I was like, "AH WHAT DOES IT SAY!!" But based on his face, I knew he wasn't going to Boise :)
I love his smile :)
January 16th, 2013.
I was expecting him to leave in like November. But I'm so excited we get to spend the Holidays together :) We've only been dating for almost 6 months. So I'm glad we get more time together. But at the same time, I wish he would just leave sooner so he can come home sooner.
For anyone who doesn't know, I've had a missionary before. Almost two years ago this same thing was happening. It's crazy though how different it feels this time. I like it :)
I've been listening to these two songs a lot this week. There's not much to say about them. Just listen :)
1. Someone Like You - The Summer Set
It's just a really upbeat happy song. I love it :)
2. Fever Dream - Iron & Wine
Jared's brother played this on the guitar last week and I remembered how much I love this song. It's just calm and peaceful. Still. I listen to it a lot before I fall asleep.