Monday, October 1, 2012

He Must Really Love Me :)

Sometimes at night I send him pictures like this:
But he still says,

I just had to brag :) Every girl wants to be told that they still look pretty when their hair is a mess and they have no makeup on. 
He's a keeper :) 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In All Seriousness

This song. This song just perfectly describes my life as of the last 6 months. I'm just in love with it.

In other news,
things are getting pretty serious between Jared and I :) I know he's going on a mission, and I know it's my job to help him prepare (believe I know, I've been there before) but that doesn't mean I can't keep falling for him more and more everyday, right? 
We see each other every day. Even if it's just for a minute or two. We're so close. He knows when it's that time of month, and I know when his anxiety is acting up. He knows exactly what food I'm craving when I'm sad, and I know what happens when he doesn't get enough sleep. 
In all honesty, it was hard completely giving myself over to fall for Jared. Even after we'd been dating for months, my first missionary (Preston) would still pop up in the back of my mind. I was getting really frustrated thinking to myself, "I love Jared. Jared is better for me. Why am I still randomly thinking about Preston?" It was really bugging me. But I eventually came to realize that time heals everything. No matter what happens in life, time will heal it. Maybe it'll take a week, maybe it'll take a year. Ultimately, it will be ok in the end :
It's been so nice to just have Jared in my life now :) It just feels so... right. He really has become my best friend :) For anyone who has that someone who makes them happier than anything in the world, don't let that someone go :) And for someone who is still looking, don't settle. Don't give up. Trust in Heavenly Fathers timing :) And for those of you who are with someone, but think there might be something better out there, or something more that you deserve, don't be afraid to start looking. If the person you're with isn't everything you've always wanted, don't feel bad to want more. You'll find it eventually :) 
Now here's just a few photos of recently :) 
At church together :)
Beautiful Utah sunset :)
He lets me take tons of pictures of him :) He's definitely a keeper :)
We're just excited for Halloween :)
"Desiree Burnham! I mean... Moore" Like I said, things have become pretty serious :)
Sometimes I just go to Kohls (where he works) and try on clothes until he's not busy anymore :)
Hahahaha, he makes me laugh :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Random Date :)

Sometimes we just "hang out" and sometimes we go on fancy dates. Other times, like today for example, we were just spontaneous and did whatever we felt like :)
First we went to walmart. Jared said, "We could just walk around walmart for a while. It's not like we have anything else to do." I could not spend my whole Saturday night walking around WalMart. It's just not my favorite place. So we decided to head to the mall :) The mall is always fun. Right? We eventually got there. Yeah, it wasn't all that fun. The best part was eating Subway. Yum. Then we saw Cinemark as we were leaving the mall, and decided to go in and get some kettle corn :) Let me tell ya, that stuff is A-MA-ZING. We bought the tub. Haha, sometimes we eat like pigs. After cinemark, we decided to go into Kohls and see if his best friend, Brady, was working. Turns out he was working. After saying hi, we went out in the parking lot, whipped out Jared's longboard, and rode around :)

One thing I love about Jared, is that we can do the dumbest things but still have so much fun together. We can be spontaneous. I love that so much about him. I don't think I could ever be with someone who wasn't spontaneous and willing to do crazy stuff at random times. 
We ended the night at my house watching a movie on my laptop with our movie theatre popcorn :) 
My advice: Be with someone who will do random stuff with you :) It's important to know how to have fun with basically nothing at all. Put yourselves in a situation where you basically have nothing to do. And see what you come up with :) 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Relationship Advice with Jared/Answering Questions

Recently I've been asked questions such as:
  • What do you and Jared define as love?
  • Can Jared give some relationship advice? What girls should and shouldn't do?
  • What does Jared think about the whole "Preston situation"
  • Can you give some advice to a fellow MG waiter and dater?
Jared and I sat down last night and tried to answer these questions :) So if you want to know the answers to any of them, they are in this video. If anyone has any other questions, please leave them in the comments below :) 
p.s. If you aren't interested in those questions, but want to see Jared sing songs from Mulan, proceed to watch the video :)

6 Month Anniversary! :)

Yesterday was our 6 month anniversary :) I can't believe how fast time seems to slip away!
Just over a year ago I arrived in China and had no idea I'd be where I am right now. 
These past (almost) 2 years of life have been such a learning experience for me, and I can't wait to see what happens during the next two years.
I know 6 months isn't a very long time, but at the same time, it kind of is :) I've experienced so much in the past 6 months with this boy. And now I don't know what I'd do without him. We can be insanely crazy and hyper together. But we can also be calm and serious and talk about many of life's deep questions. 
I just love him :) These are some random clips from that past 6 months together :) 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Yes. I put it in all caps because that's how excited I am. I'm trying to contain myself right now. Just watch the video and you'll see why :) 
I can't even describe how excited I am. 
For a lot of selfish reasons actually. Italy would have been my dream mission. I've always wanted to marry someone who went to Italy on his mission. Italian is my favorite language. I want to visit Italy more than anywhere else. ALSO, I know the mail system in Europe isn't too bad so that's just a bonus ;)
He's so excited, and I'm extremely proud of him. I think it's funny because I'm the one in the relationship who loves old cultures, buildings, cities, anything with history really. He's the one who is all into modern anything. And now he's going to one of the oldest cities :) I love it!! 
His face is perfect :) He read it in his head before he read it out loud. I was like, "AH WHAT DOES IT SAY!!" But based on his face, I knew he wasn't going to Boise :)
I love his smile :) 
January 16th, 2013. 
I was expecting him to leave in like November. But I'm so excited we get to spend the Holidays together :) We've only been dating for almost 6 months. So I'm glad we get more time together. But at the same time, I wish he would just leave sooner so he can come home sooner. 
For anyone who doesn't know, I've had a missionary before. Almost two years ago this same thing was happening. It's crazy though how different it feels this time. I like it :) 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Music Monday :D

I've been listening to these two songs a lot this week. There's not much to say about them. Just listen :)

1. Someone Like You - The Summer Set

It's just a really upbeat happy song. I love it :) 

2. Fever Dream - Iron & Wine
Jared's brother played this on the guitar last week and I remembered how much I love this song. It's just calm and peaceful. Still. I listen to it a lot before I fall asleep. 

Enjoy :) 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Random Video/Sunsets & Open Houses

We've had a fun couple days :)
Wednesday: We drove  up Provo Canyon and watched the sunset from Squaw Peak :) 

Then we went to Orange Leaf and stuffed our faces with frozen yogurt. Normally I'm a 100% devoted Yogurtland goer, but Orange Leaf is his favorite place. So I gave it a try. And they had my absolute favorite flavor. Wedding Cake. Haha, go figure. 

Thursday: We went to the Brigham City Temple open house!! :) This was only our second ever open house, and first open house together. I just love the feeling I get inside the temple. So peaceful, like nothing can go wrong and life is the wonderful. What an amazing experience with an amazing guy :) 

And since this wouldn't truly be a Desiree post without a video, here's some random videos we took the past couple days :) We definitely have interesting conversation at times. But I love it :) 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Week Through Instagram

Listening to talented brothers play beautiful music
 We made matching build-a-bears :)
One of Jared's favorite desserts. Now also one of MY favorites.
Spending time at his house after going to church together :)
Sometimes I sit in the parking lot and wait for Jared to get off work.
We went boating for my FIRST time EVER.
 I just like this one :)
 Thanks for watching my YouTube channel :)
 As Jared said, "We fit perfectly together"
Waiting in line at Cafe Rio. Even when he's funny he's adorable :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mission Call Week

Tonight Jared let me know that he should be getting his mission call sometime this week!
I'm SOOOO excited!!! 
Selfishly, I'm hoping he either goes stateside on the east coast (stateside MG's  don't know how good they have it) or Europe. 
But unselfishly, I'm hoping he goes to South America. That's where he really wants to go. Brazil specifically. But my guess is going to be... Somewhere in Asia, or Africa. Or maybe just some crazy little island out there. 
I just can't wait to find out. I'm keepin' my fingers crossed that it comes soon.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Music Monday :)

Just another reason why I love Mondays. I get to write about some of my favorite songs! :) 
This weeks number one spot goes to:

1. World of Our Own - Westlife

I always listen to this song when it's one of those days where I'm in a super good mood and just want happy music. This is a song about when you're in a relationship with someone and you trust them, you're best friends, and you're in your own little world :)  If you don't already know who Westlife is, they are basically the British version of the Backstreet Boys. I kind of love them. Just kidding that's an understatement. I'm kind of obsessed.
Moving on.

2. Perfect For Me - Ron Pope

This song is about that feeling of loving someone so much, and knowing that no one is perfect. But this person is perfect for you. My favorite lyrics are,
"And I know you too well to say you're perfect
But you'll see, oh my sweet love, you're perfect for me"
Last but not least....

3. Faith to Fall Back On - Hunter Hayes

First off, if you don't know who Hunter Hayes is, go look him up. He's an amazing new artist.
This song is perfect for MG's, or just anyone who is wondering where life will take them. It's about having faith that no matter what happens, everything will end up the way it's supposed to be. In addition, it also is about getting answers that weren't what you were expecting. But as long as you have faith to fall back on, you'll always be ok :) I've loved this song recently and hope you guys love it too :)
My favorite lyrics:
"These days I’m not sure if I know
What I’m doing here or where I’ll go
But, every night I say the same old prayer:

“God, I don’t have to see you. I know that you’re there.
Cause there were times I thought I wouldn’t make it home
But I kept a little faith to fall back on.
Yeah, and I’ve learned to put my trust where it belongs
And I’ve gotta little faith to fall back on.” 

SUCH a good song :) 

That's it for todays Music Monday :)
Thanks for reading/listening! Let me know if you enjoyed any of the songs :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Jared's Wisdom Teeth :)

Yesterday, my lovely boyfriend got his wisdom teeth out. I was so excited that he called me at 8:00 in the morning asking me to come with him :)

I tapped a camera to the front of my car and was on my way. There was no way I was gonna miss this.

Some of my favorite "Jared on drugs" quotes:

Me: Did you feel dizzy?
Jared: .... Hell ya (Please excuse his language)

Jared: Baby, lick me
Me: Ummm but if you're numb then you won't feel it. So what's the point?
Jared:........... *shrugs*

Me: So you did experience pain?
Jared: Define pain
Me: Um, something that feel uncomfortable...
Jared: No.
Me: No?
Jared: Weakness leaving the body.. Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Jared: I just have a bunch of stuff on my face. Why do I have this on my face? What the heck is that?

Jared: Are my teeth out? They really took my wisdom teeth out already?

It was so fun for me to be around him while he was like this :) I took him home and tried to take care of him best I could before his mom got home. I was about to leave, so I said "Jared, I'm gonna go, k? I'll come back later after you get some rest." Jared said, "No stay. Sleep with me" So I laid there on the couch with him until he fell asleep :) It was a good day :) And for the record, it's the second day now and he isn't swollen, and hasn't experienced any pain. He's a lucky boy. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Music Monday :D

I'm obsessed with music, new and old, any genre. But mostly country/pop/indie/oldies.
I'm going to start posting my favorite songs that have either just come out, or ones I've just been loving that week.  
This weeks winners are:
1. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - Taylor Swift

(There is no video on youtube with the actual song, at the normal speed, so this is what we've got)
This song was released today and I'm already obsessed. It's different from Taylor's usual stuff, but after listening to it a couple times, I'm sure you'll be just as obsessed as I am. But then again, I'm a Taylor Swift fan for life and will always like her stuff. 

2. Loving You Tonight - Andrew Allen
This song sounds like a jazzy puppy love song :) It's adorable and I don't know why more people don't know about Andrew Allen. Look him up, his stuff is good :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

5 Month Anniversary :)

Technically August 5th was our 5 month anniversary. But it was a Sunday. So today is when we kinda celebrated it :) 
I started the day off by spending about 5 hours on my online classes. Then I got in an argument with my sister. It wasn't exactly turning out to be such a good day. While I was taking my sister to the library, Jared was on his way over to pick me up for our date. But I knew he'd get to my house before I got home. So I left the door unlocked and told him to just wait inside. 
When I got home, I walked inside to see this:
 While Jared was just sitting there playing the guitar :) I was speechless. He was adorable :) And he seriously treats me like a princess. I don't deserve him. Not one bit. 
After we left my house, we went to his to make a fancy dinner together :) All I really did was make the instant mashed potatoes. He did everything else :) He put out a table cloth, got the fancy silverware out,  lit candles, and even bought fancy sparkling grape juice stuff :) (not martinelli's, but better).
Simply said, It was delicious. 
After dinner, he told me to sit back and relax while he cleaned everything. 
I tried to help bring stuff over to him, but he ended up doing everything. 
I feel like he's always doing so much for me, and I never get to do enough for him. I know I just sound like a little girl who is infatuated with a guy. But he's really the best. I don't know what I'd do without him. Once again, I feel like I don't deserve him. 
After dinner we got a movie from RedBox and went back to my house. While we were sitting there cuddling, the thought popped into my head. "You have exactly a month left with him" and it hit me... I'm going to have to say "See you later" 4 weeks from tonight. I broke down. Only one month left with this amazing guy before we have to spend more than 2 years apart :( 
Here's to making the best of the next 4 weeks.
I love you Jared <3 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Can Finally Be Open :)

It's such a nice feeling to finally have my blogs private. I'll be honest, it was kind of annoying having random people from my ward, family members, Jared's family, etc... read my blogs and comment on them. I felt the constant need to make sure everything I wrote was appropriate. But now, I don't have to worry about anything :)
First of all, I want to thank you all for following my blogs ever since the beginning :) This blog is basically a diary of my relationship with Jared. In case ya'll can't tell, I'm kind of obsessed with love. Scratch that. I'm completely obsessed with it. I'm not one of those girls who doesn't know how to live without it, or is desperate, or lives their life around it. No no, that's not me. I am completely obsessed with it in the way that I want to capture every moment of it. Because sharing something so special with someone is rare. Why not celebrate it? The reason I take so many pictures, videos, and blog so much is because I never want to forget all the moments. The little things. I believe love is one of the closest things we have to magic.  There are only a couple people in our lives that will define what love is supposed to feel like. Not the love we thought we felt in Jr. High with that boy you dated for a month. But true love. The kind of love that is patient and kind. The kind that does not envy or boast or is rude. The kind that is not self seeking or is easily angered. True love keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. True love never fails. The people that make us feel that way, and truly love us, should be the most important people in our lives. And I've found that, with Jared :)
 For example, 
Mother Nature decided to drop by yesterday and give me a much wanted gift (ha..ha) Which resulted in me being moody and complaining about my "girl problems" to Jared. The word "tampon" may have been mentioned more than once. But he's such a good sport and just goes with :) We decided to go swimming cuz it was super hot outside. Word of advice: Don't go off the diving board when you're on your period. Just... don't. I freaked out cuz I couldn't feel my tampon anymore (tmi? I warned you I wasn't going to hold anything back anymore). I ended up being wrong and everything was fine. But Jared got out of the pool and walked all the way to the bathroom with me and waited outside to make sure I was ok. The stuff that boy puts up with... I tell ya. 
I know it sounds stupid, but it's seriously the little things. 
I never thought I'd be where I am today. But it's all because of freaking love. When you know it's right, it's right :) And I know that everything with Jared is exactly how it's supposed to be. This is where I'm meant to be in my life right now. And honestly, I'm nowhere near ready to get married. Not because I don't know how to be "committed". Just because I feel like there's more that I need to do in life before I get married :) Which works out perfectly with him still having to go on a mission :) (Does Heavenly Father know me, or what?) :)
 Am I going to wait for him? I want to say yes. But at the same time, it didn't exactly work out when I said I was 100% certain I was going to wait for the first missionary. Then again, I like to think this time is different :) Because it's Jared. And HE'S different. He's everything I've always wanted, but never had.
One thing I DO know is that God's plan is always the best. And I believe that his plan for me has brought me to where I am. 
Quote of the day:  
 "I don’t know why we all hang on to something we know we’re better off letting go. Its like we’re scared to lose what we really don't have. Some of us say we’d rather have that something than nothing, but the truth is to have it halfway is harder than not having it at all. "
I've learned to let go of what's hurting you in order to make room for what truly makes you happy :)
And it's the best decision I've ever made.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

"You Make Me Crazier"

This boy right here. Him in his glasses. He makes me crazier about him every day :) 
It's just the little things that happen every day. The way that he always texts me saying, 
"Good morning beautiful! :)"
Or the way he looks at me and I can tell me loves me without even having to say anything.
Today I visited his ward because him and his brothers were doing a musical number. I'd gone to church with him in Hawaii but this was the first time in Utah. Church has always been a huge part of my life and I just loved being able to share that experience with the person I love. I was trying to be all reverent when Jared looks at me and motions his hand towards me. His family isn't a big fan of PDA so I shook my head no. He continued to stare at me with his smile that says, "Seriously Desiree? Come on" :) So I gave in and grabbed his hand. One thing I love about him. He ALWAYS wants to be close to me. Even simple little things like holding hands. We hold hands when he drives, when we're in church, sometimes when we were class, when we're shopping, and just all the time. He kisses me on the forehead and I kiss him on the cheek. He randomly picks me up and spins me around. We dance all the time. There's hardly ever music, but we like it that way :) I love all of that so much more than just making out. It means more :)
We've been together for 4 months now. I know, I know, that's a super short amount of time. But time is just that. Time. It feels like it's been forever :) 
Song of the day = Crazier by Taylor Swift

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jared's 19th Birthday/The Little Things

I'm back!!! I stopped blogging for a little while because I had to figure some things out. I seriously need to start blogging more often. I realized it's been exactly a month since I last blogged on here. Wanna know the lamest part? It's summer and I'm not working. Which means I have a freaking lot of time on my hands. I have been spending a lot of time with my Jarebear though :) (yes, I love using pet names)
Yesterday was Jared's 19th Birthday. Yes, he's actually a year and a half younger than me. Is it weird? No, not really. He's more mature than me so that makes up for it. So in honor of his birthday, I put together a video with some pictures/videos from the past few years, along with a slideshow of pictures of us.

I also made ANOTHER video (if you haven't noticed already, I'm obsessed with videos and capturing every moment). And this video shows some of the stuff we did on his birthday. It was a super fun day and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I hoped he would. I'm the kind of person where when I love someone, I want to do everything I can to SHOW them how much I love them. Because really, it's about what you do, not what you say. Having a birthday is just an excuse for me to shower him with more love than normal. Really, people should treat each other with that much love every single day. It could be little things like taking someone out for breakfast, bringing them cookies, or even just making them a sandwich. Sometimes little things mean the most. Scratch that. Most of the time, little things mean the most. Moral of the story, I'm going to start doing more little things for people :)
p.s. Jared is seriously one in a million :) 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

We Got Love

We have fun together :)  

"Today Was a Fairytale"

I never know what to write about mine and Jared's relationship because every time I try, it comes out like a cheesy fairytale story. But then again, I'm sure that's just because we've only been dating for 3 months. Seriously though, Not only am I in love with him, but I'm in love with our relationship, and who I am when I'm with him.
 In the words of Taylor Swift, "I don't try to hide my tears, the secrets or my deepest fears. Through it all nobody gets me like you do. And I'm only me when I'm with you."
I don't have to pretend to be anybody but me when I'm with him. He accepts me 100% for who I am. I can do the DUMBEST and STUPIDEST things around him and never get embarrassed. 
For example, sometimes I get really really really hyper due to sugar. I'll start laughing hilariously at absolutely nothing. Sometimes I even start drooling. Haha, yeah. And sometimes even when we're with his friends, I randomly bite him, or kiss him. But does he ever tell me to stop? No :) he plays along. Or sometimes late at night I'll be like, "Hey Jared! I have a lot of energy! Let's go run around outside!" We'll then bolt out the door and run down the middle of the road until we see cars coming. We'll see how many times we can jaywalk (run) before we get to the beach. Even if he doesn't have as much energy as me, he goes along with it :)
We even do cheesy romantic things like they do in the movies :) 
  • I'll be at the beach waiting for him, wondering why he's late, and then he will show up with chocolate and a rose in his hand. 
  • We'll lay in the middle of the road at night and look at the stars. I'll get nervous because I'm scared a car will come, but he just tells me to relax and enjoy the moment.
  • We'll be watching the sunset at the beach and we'll randomly start wrestling in the sand. Then we'll run down to the water and he'll pick me up, spin me around and kiss me. 
  • He'll tell me to go upstairs and open my window. Then he'll sit on a wall outside and sing/play guitar for me :)
Of course we do disagree on some things. We've not learned not to talk about whether or not animals have feelings. King Kong made me cry. Jared thinks they don't have feelings. Yeah.. Not a good topic for us. Also the topic of zombies. Anyone see that news broadcast about the guy who was eating another guys face? Yeah.. Jared said he would have gone up and helped the guy whose face was getting eaten off. I said I would have locked my doors in my car because I'd be too scared of the zombie dude. If that makes me un-Christ-like, then ok. Also, he thinks all Taylor Swift songs are the same, that they are all break up songs about stupid boys. Haha, if any of you really know me, you'll know I'm kind of the biggest TS fan out there. So that's something we don't talk about either :)
Is all that really that important? No :) 

I love that he randomly stops, looks at me, smiles, and says, "Can I really kiss you?" 
I love instead of hanging out last Friday night, he went home early to do homework :) I've got a responsible boyfriend :) 
I love that whenever I look at the ocean, or the stars and say "It's so beautiful" he says, "No, you are" :)
I love that he respects me, and treats me like I'm a person, not an item to be used.
I love that he sings Justin Bieber songs around me, even though he hates him. He just knows how much I love the Biebs <3
I love that he lets me film him ALL the time :) 
I love that sometimes he suggests to go on walks, just so we can talk and be together :) 
I love that I can tell him ANYTHING about my dreams, the past, who I am, anything I've ever done, and he never judges me. 
I love that he makes me want to be a better person. 
I just love the guy <3

Ok. Sorry for the novel. I'll end now :) 
But I mean come on, it's not a Desiree post unless it has pictures or video. So, here ya go :)
This has been my theme song for the past 3 months :)  

Friday, May 25, 2012

Beach Fun!

We decided to go beach exploring the other day. 
We live right off Hukilau Beach. But the thing about beaches is that they go on forever. 
So, we walked, and walked, and walked and explored :) 

We were a bit scared to swim too much because we've heard about people having problems with blue bubbles. Aka little blue jellyfish. On our walk back, we actually saw a couple washed up on the beach. 
Overall, it was a super fun day :) We leave Hawaii in 2 weeks, and even though I'm coming back, I'll be coming back without him. So we're trying to take advantage of our time here together <3